
> On 28 Nov 2017, at 10:42, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a scenario where I need to login to some web app and then reuse the 
> session/cookies in further requests.
> The basic approach (as presented in Enterprise Pharo book) works just fine
> client := ZnClient new.
> client
>       url: '';
>       formAt: 'username' put: '';
>       formAt: 'password' put: 'trustno1';
>       post.
> client 
>       get: ''.
> The problem is when I want to change the way response is retrieved. E.g.
> client
>       accept: 'text/json';
>       contentReader: [ :entity | STON fromString: entity contents ];
>       get: ''.
> "uh-oh... it still uses STON contentReader"
> client
>       get: ''
> Of course I could manually copy all the cookies, however I imagine there is a 
> better approach. Maybe injecting session from one ZnClient instance to 
> another?
> Thanks,
> Peter

Reusing a ZnClient makes most sense when you access one host in a uniform way.

Like you say, there are different options

 - reset the content reader when needed (assign nil)
 - make your content reader more intelligent (check the entity's content type 
and act accordingly)
 - get the #session from one client and use in on another one (#session: must 
be added for this)

ZnClient holds all kind of state (it is also a builder), so some occasional 
resetting (or managing this state) can be needed.

Does this help ?


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