> On 7 Dec 2017, at 17:43, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> On 7 Dec 2017, at 16:04, Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io 
>> <mailto:steven.cost...@kloum.io>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> noob question: i installed bloc and tried to run examples.
>> It worked well on Fedora 27 but not on latest Debian 64 bits because the 
>> path of libcairo.so.2 was wrong.
>> So i fixed it in the code, but when trying the bloc examples again the lib 
>> path is still wrong (in the debugger).
>> Is there a way to reload the cairo lib or to reset it, so that the path 
>> would be right and it would find the lib ?
> I've also been frustrated by this, particularly as a supa-fresh-FFI-noob 
> before I understood what was happening.
> I've found it a minor annoyance but sufficient to to close and reopen an 
> image to reset things,
> but being able to do it live in-Image is really nice.

probably what we need to do is to include cairo library into our distribution 
as we do with others. 
this will minimise the problem from one side, but it will enlarge it in other 
(some distros disallow/discourage the inclusion of 3rd party libraries with 
your binary)


> On 7 December 2017 at 23:41, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:esteba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> you need to reset FFI: 
> FFIMethodRegistry resetAll.
> That is really nice to know, but by the time I need it I will probably have 
> forgotten it, 
> and closing/reopening the Image will be faster than searching forum.world.st 
> <http://forum.world.st/> or asking again the mail list.
> Could we possibly have World > Tools > Reset FFI ?
> cheers -ben

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