The source is really needed to get Athens functionning, otherwise there is an error. On top of that, the source file name is confused by Pharo (it should be mimic of the 32bits images, althought 64bits image is used, and it should not depend on the bits number I guess).

Here is an archive with the image[1], go in Contents/Resources/drgeo.image and used a 64 bits VM to run the image, do not used the embedded VMs, there are for P3.



Le 20/12/2017 à 21:08, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
Normally the call does not need the sources (if I'm correct in the
past it needed to generate the correct method argument or something
like that).
Can you provide more information? or the image somewhere?
  Because FFI should improve and we are looking for edge corner bugs.


Dr. Geo

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