Johan Brichau could execute java code from VisualWorks.
He had special metaclass whose dictionaries contains strange mirror to
java methods. So I'm interested to see how far you can get :)

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 4:58 PM, Julien <> wrote:
> Even if I learned things from your answer, I think you misunderstood what I
> was talking about. :p
> What I want is a mechanism to describe python’s objects from Pharo and being
> able to:
> 1. Serialise those objects from Python
> 2. Send those object to Pharo (whatever the way it is done: socket, write in
> a file from python and read from Pharo, etc…)
> 3. Materialize those serialised Python’s objects as Pharo objects.
> Basically, I want to be able to transfer data from Python to Pharo easily.
> Something better than getting the values held by Python objects by parsing
> their String representation « by hand »... :-)
> Julien
> ---
> Julien Delplanque
> Doctorant à l’Université de Lille 1
> Equipe Rmod, Inria
> Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
> Numéro de téléphone: +333 59 35 86 40
> Le 10 janv. 2018 à 16:43, Dimitris Chloupis <> a écrit
> :
> On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 5:50 PM Julien <> wrote:
>> Beware that no mechanism to get back values from Python is defined for now
>> (except if you just want the String
>> representation of those objects, then you can get that if you use atlas).
>> I’d like to have that but it is not easy. I would like a way to describe
>> how to map Python’s objects to Pharo’s objects
>> from Pharo and to have the code to do that in Python side generated
>> automatically but some thinking is needed…
>> Julien
> It won't be easy
> I have noted in the past the similarities between Pharo and Python but here
> there is also a massive difference.
> In Pharo we have the mentality of reinventing many stuffs ourselves so the
> systems is based to a very large extend on Pharo that runs on very efficient
> JIT VM. Almost everything is Pharo code.
> Python on the other hand is the exact opposite, Python runs on an extremely
> slow VM but more than 50% of its code in written in C, Python itself or its
> third party libraries.
> So the irony is that even though in theory and practice Python code is one
> of the slowest , in actual scenarios its one of the fastest able to
> outperform even Java to a very large extend because its libraries that are
> made for high performance like Numpy are predominately C code. Pretty much
> every C or C++ library has wrappers for Python which is what made it so
> popular. Hence the reason behind the insanity when it comes to top
> performance Python being second only to C++.
> So you will have not only map the Python oobjects  to Pharo object but also
> map the C code. Even though this may sound impossible the good news is that
> Python libraries, having the extension pyd , are basically DLLs made
> supporting a specific API which is very minimal in design. Similar to our
> UFFI , the only major difference is that library is responsible of keeping
> track of the reference count, which is used by Python GC to erase no longer
> used objects from memory. Which is a very simple increase and decrease.
> So not only you will have to remap the Python objects but also DLLs as well.
> To add salt to the wound , Python has something that Pharo does not.
> Multiple inheritance. Which of course makes your goal even harder. Python
> coder's generally avoid multiple inheritance as much as we avoid overriding
> doesNotUnderstand , but its a feature they use none the less.
> Hence why I did not even consider trying something like that. Plus you will
> be gaining no advantage because C code is unportable to Pharo anyway. Sure
> we have Slang , but Slang is extra careful with types which normal Pharo
> code does not. You will be losing performance because yes porting to Pharo
> as much as JIT VM may be great , its no much for Python libraries that
> merely leverage C. Plus you will have to update it each time the library
> changes etc.
> So my conclusion was that the most efficient way was to let Python execute
> the library and just manipulate Python.
> It's much easier to do the exact opposite, which goes against our mentality
> , and port your Pharo objects to Python objects. Because a) your objects
> will always be far less than a complete library and system b) you wont have
> to worry about C code because you wont have any c) all the other negatives I
> mention , disappear.
> It usual case of not being able to have your cake and eat it too.

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