On January 28, 2018 9:54:44 PM GMT+01:00, Dale Henrichs 
<dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>Right now there is "no portable way" to specify arbitrary hosts in a 
>Metacello spec ... but Esteban and I will be talking about this on 
>Monday ... Thierry Goubier seems to have a nice scheme for gitfiletree 

I already early-adopted tonel, so... (Btw, make it easier to set tonel to new 
repo / first src commit, now it's so arcane I tried maybe six times to actually 
get there correctly; I always ended with filtree or only half-baked tonel 
without .properties)

>and I think that iceberg might support additional urls and schemes...

Npm uses git+https IIRC, scp is also used, it would be also nice if 
usr@host:path gets parsed.

Thanks again, plus I hope it will be backported to 6.1.



>On 01/28/2018 01:52 AM, Herbert Vojčík wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I know I can do, for example,
>> [..snip..]
>>     package: 'Foo' with: [ spec
>>         requires: #('Mocketry') ];
>>     baseline: 'Mocketry' with: [ spec
>>         repository: 'github://dionisiydk/Mocketry:v4.0.x' ];
>> [..snip..]
>> but when I want to add dependency to a repo which is not on github
>> on bitbucket, how do I specify (https or scp) git depedency in
>> way?
>> Thanks, Herby

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