
Pillar allows to evaluate a script and use its output instead of the script 
itself, e.g.,

DateAndTime now printString

How can I test it in a Pharo image? I tried: 

document := PRPillarParser parse: '[[[eval=true
DateAndTime now printString
]]]' readStream.

PRHTMLWriter write: document.  

It returns: <figure><pre><code>DateAndTime now 

Then I tried:

transformedDocument := (PRScriptEvaluator executeOn: (PRCompilationContext 
withDocument: document withConfiguration: PRPillarConfiguration new)) input.

PRHTMLWriter write: transformedDocument.

And it returns an empty string.
What should I do to be able to obtain an HTML output with the output of 
`DateAndTime now printString`?

documentWithImage := PRPillarParser parse: '[[[eval=true
ByteArray streamContents: [ :writeStream |
        PNGReadWriter putForm: World submorphs atRandom imageForm onStream: 
writeStream ]
]]]' readStream.

What is the best practice if the evaluated result should be a screenshot? 


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