
The Sunit-Debugger does a stack search on startup to find the test related 

It might be good to do it better, especially as the debug process starts from 
the exception
I might be a good idea to actually keep a reference to it.

Would there be any downside of Exception>>debug passing a reference to the 


> On 2 Feb 2018, at 17:19, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a way to install a global handler for exceptions?
> Right now if I want to log all exceptions, I use approach from ShoreLine and 
> create a PreDebugAction which is activated when any "unhandled" exception 
> occurs.
> That would be good enough, however the Debugger has zero knowledge of the 
> exception that is actually occuring, as Exception>>debug passes on only the 
> title. So if I want to get back to the original exception and maybe log it 
> with beacon, I need to do a lot of stack and context shenanigans:
> MyPreDebugAction>>logException
>       MyLogger
>               runDuring: [ (debugger session interruptedProcess 
> suspendedContext stack
>                               detect: [ :context | context receiver isKindOf: 
> Exception ]) receiver emit ]
> Is there a better way to approach this?
> Thanks,
> Peter

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