> On 7 Feb 2018, at 08:29, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> As you know, we have a monthly Pharo newsletter which goes out to >2000 
> subscribers
> each month. It is growing steadily.
> The platform we use (Mailchimp) allows for a “Welcome Mail” to be send for 
> new subscribers.
> What do you think a short mail like that should contain?
>       Marcus

<Here is something, mostly copy/pasted from the website>

Hello and Welcome to Pharo !

You just subscribed to the Pharo Newsletter mailing list. 

Each week you will receive an update on what is going on in the Pharo 
community. An archive of past posting can be found at


Our main website [ https://pharo.org ] is the best place to get started as it 
contains links to various resources, such as

  http://books.pharo.org - a library of published books
  http://mooc.pharo.org - an extensive online course

Pharo is a mininal, elegant, pure, reflective object language. 

  Yes, in Pharo they are only objects! Nothing else. 
  Yes, the complete syntax of Pharo fits on a postcard. 
  Yes, we code in the debugger and Pharo has super cool tools that empower you 
and make you super efficient.

Pharo's goal is to deliver a clean, innovative, free and open-source immersive 

By providing a stable and small core system, excellent developing tools, and 
maintained releases, Pharo is an attractive platform to build and deploy 
mission critical applications. 

Pharo fosters a healthy ecosystem of both private and commercial contributors 
who advance and maintain the core system and its external packages.

Pharo features

  A dynamic, pure object-oriented programming language in the tradition of 
  An IDE (integrated development environment)
  A huge library and set of external packages


  Pharo is supported by the industrial Pharo consortium [ 
http://consortium.pharo.org ]
  Pharo has also an association of users: Pharo association [ 
http://association.pharo.org ]


The Pharo Community

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