in BaselineOfBasicTools we use something like.

spec baseline: 'SUnit' with: [
    spec repository: repository.
    spec loads: #('UI' 'Help')].

-- Pavel

2018-02-26 23:30 GMT+01:00 Peter Uhnák <>:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to define a dependency on a group of BaselineOf.
> specifically #core of github://pharo-graphics/Bloc/src.
> I've looked at this
> which recommends using import:provides:
> baseline: spec
>   <baseline>
>   spec for: #common do: [
>     "Sample defines the group 'default'"
>     spec baseline: 'Sample' with: [
>       spec repository: 'github://dalehenrich/Sample:master' ].
>     spec import: 'Sample' provides: #('default').
>     "OtherSample *also* defines the group 'default'"
>     spec baseline: 'OtherSample' with: [
>       spec repository: 'github://dalehenrich/Sample:master' ].
>     spec import: 'OtherSample' provides: #('default').
>     "'default' can now be successfully resolved, even though
>     both projects define the same name"
>     spec package: 'OtherProject-Core with: [
>       spec requires: 'default' ] ].
> However this code is confusing... both Sample & OtherSample provide
> `default`, so on what does `OtherProject-Core` actually depend?
> In the examples here
> there are groups with the name of the project in them ('External Core'
> 'External Tests'), but this won't work if I don't control the project I am
> loading, plus it feels like a hackish workaround.
> Also, can it be unified with the way ConfigurationOf works?
> Thanks,
> Peter

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