Le 08/03/2018 à 11:34, Hilaire a écrit :
Now the image is building, will see next.

The build process ended with this output, don't know if it is right:

[ self
        (self arguments
            ifEmpty: [ '' ]
            ifNotEmpty: [ :arguments | arguments first ]) ] in [ [ self
        (self arguments
            ifEmpty: [ '' ]
            ifNotEmpty: [ :arguments | arguments first ]) ]
    on: Exit
    do: [ :exit |
        "If the command line is protected by password, we just exit the image because in non-headless mode the handleExit will let the image open. If the password protection is enabled, it is to avoid to let the access to the image."
        self class commandLinePasswordManager hasPasswordSet
            ifTrue: [ Smalltalk snapshot: false andQuit: true ].
        ^ self handleExit: exit ] ] in PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self...
[ [ self
        (self arguments
            ifEmpty: [ '' ]
            ifNotEmpty: [ :arguments | arguments first ]) ]
    on: Exit
    do: [ :exit |
        "If the command line is protected by password, we just exit the image because in non-headless mode the handleExit will let the image open. If the password protection is enabled, it is to avoid to let the access to the image."
        self class commandLinePasswordManager hasPasswordSet
            ifTrue: [ Smalltalk snapshot: false andQuit: true ].
        ^ self handleExit: exit ] ] in PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ [ self...
[ self value.
Processor terminateActive ] in BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ self value....

Dr. Geo

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