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Thanks Alex.
I just changed Color red and Color bleu with TrachelShape color slightlyDarker.

It works perfect :)
Thanks again.
> On 01 Mar 2018, at 21:53, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.ber...@me.com> wrote:
> v := RTView new.
> fiveCircles := RTEllipse new size: [ :e | 40 atRandom + 5 ]; elementsOn: (1 
> to: 5).
> fiveBoxes := RTBox new size: [ :e | 40 atRandom + 5 ]; elementsOn: (1 to: 5).
> v addAll: fiveCircles; addAll: fiveBoxes.
> v elements do: [ :element | element translateTo: (200 atRandom @ 200 
> atRandom) ].
> v addMenu: 'Red' callback: [ v canvas shapes do: [ :aTrachelShape | 
> aTrachelShape color: Color red ]. v canvas signalUpdate ].
> v addMenu: 'Blue' callback: [ v canvas shapes do: [ :aTrachelShape | 
> aTrachelShape color: Color blue ]. v canvas signalUpdate ].
> v

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