Hmm thats weird that you guys lost your admin roles, but not entirely,
maybe the hack is responsible, no problem will add you back.

I removed the authorisation of any third party apps and I am closing any
potential security hole. I think I got them all covered but will stick
around and keep ownership of the server to make sure nothing like this
happens again.

Please note that our message history is unharmed and nothing has been lost.
I have however restored permissions to all channels so any channels admins
may want to restore them back to their preference, if you are no longer a
channel admit please drop me a message in here or Discord.

The good news out of this experience is that I was completely blown away by
the sheer numbers we had so far. It felt almost a year ago, when people
frowned on the idea of leaving Slack for Discord (not that I blame them)
and now we have 1000 members. This is an opportunity to see how many of
those 1000 are active members. Obviously a minority of them but still in
terms of Discord numbers that is a pretty big community.

Another proof of the growing popularity of Pharo.

By the way being admin is not a responsibility, it does not come with
strings attached. I make people admins in the case when I or Esteban are
not around and cannot help , so people can help each other if they are
available and willing.

Do not feel any guilt if you are not able or willing to do any admin work.
If you just help a member even one time that is reason enough to be in
admin position. Both Esteban and I have been able to maintain the server
with ease and the fact that 11 hours passed was that I sleeping (yeas I do
sleep, sometimes :D ) took me some time to respond. Overall managing the
server requires minor attention and this is the first issue we have
experienced so far.

So all is good and thank you all for making Pharo better and helping each
other, keep rocking :)

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 1:34 PM <>

> Same here, no more admin
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 12:15 PM, Clément Bera <>
> wrote:
>> I think the roles got changed I am no longer admin (Note that it does not
>> really matter since I did not do much admin work but still)
>> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 11:48 AM, Dimitris Chloupis <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hey guys after my mistake we got "hacked" and someone banned all our
>>> members in Discord
>>> I have revoked all the bans but you will have to rejoin . Existing join
>>> links are still valid , if you dont have one here is one
>>> My apologies for this inconvenience, I am still exploring all possible
>>> threats to make sure this never happens again.
>> --
>> Clément Béra
>> Pharo consortium engineer
>> Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650
>> <,+avenue+Halley+59650%C2%A0+Villeneuve+d+Ascq&entry=gmail&source=g>Villeneuve
>> d
>> <,+avenue+Halley+59650%C2%A0+Villeneuve+d+Ascq&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> 'Ascq
>> <,+avenue+Halley+59650%C2%A0+Villeneuve+d+Ascq&entry=gmail&source=g>

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