On 26 April 2018 at 18:09, Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com>
> You don't reply to my original question, Ben :-)

I didn't know the answer :P
and I wasn't near an Image where I could poke around and speculate.
Having a poke around now, but my thoughts are speculative - the few times
used FFI I've muddled through rather than having a good grasp of it.

>> On 24 Apr 2018, at 14:48, Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com>
>> I'm using autoRelease on some FFIOpaqueObject instances.
>> I need to test some behavior when I delete explicitly one of these
objects. How to remove these objects from the finalization list, in order
they are not freed two times.
>> Something like ignoreFinalization ?

On 25 April 2018 at 23:08, Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com>
> I don't understand the default
> finalizeResourceData: handle
>     handle isNull ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
>     handle free.
>     handle beNull
> when handle is an ExternaData, free is defined as in ExternalStructure
class as:
> free
>     "Free the handle pointed to by the receiver"
>     (handle ~~ nil and:[handle isExternalAddress]) ifTrue:[handle free].
>     handle := nil.
> but beNull is not defined on nil.

I presume your code is getting a DNU. Do you have a code extract to produce
Looking only at the static code, my I can't get by the impression that
there are two separate /handle/ variables in the above code.
i.e. The /handle/ of FFIExternalReference-class>>finalizeResourceData:
can't be set to nil by the ExternalStructure>>free.

So, so far I can't provide a sensical answer.
But I've had trouble debugging in the past keeping my /handle/s straight in
different contexts
and found it useful to temporarily refactor instance variables names to
distriguish them.

btw, I notice /handle/ of FFIExternalReference is defined in
ExternalObject, whose class comment says...
    Instance variables:
        handle <ByteArray | ExternalAddress>

ExternalAddress subclasses ByteArray
and there is ExternalAddress>>beNull
but no ByteArray>>beNull,
So it seems   FFIExternalReference  further restricts /handle/ to be *only*
which makes some sense (Reference~Addresss).

Those comments don't indicate ExternalData is valid in /handle/
also indicated by ExternalData does not define #beNull.
So I've got as far as wondering if either:
* the class comment need updating, or
* how ExternalData gets into /handle/ and is that a valid path.

Sorry, not much help so far.

cheers -ben

> I can define my own finalizeResourceData: but the default one, does not
work apparently
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 2:06 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>
>> hi,
>> there is nothing like that and I do not recommend messing with the
registry in general.
>> but… you can always extend the classes for your use, is around
>> cheers,
>> Esteban

Is your Image crashing from a double-free?
I not been able to reproduce an observation from a while ago,
but once I came across the object with an external memory reference that
had been copied,
so when the first object was #free'd, releasing external memory and setting
/handle/ to nil to guard against a double-release,
the copied-object's /handle/ was not nil, so when it was #free'd it also
released the same external memory.

Which is why I wonder that object holding references to external memory
should behave like symbols
where the default copy behaviour is to return itself.
i.e. References to external malloc'd memory should be treated as *unique*.
Taking a #copy of the reference doesn't produce extra external memory.

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