Hi - I’m wondering if anyone has any experience using Pharo in a Remote Desktop 

Ive been experimenting with MacInCloud.com and running Pharo there - however 
I’ve noticed that while it appears to run (and it reasonably performant) after 
a few seconds/minutes (I can’t quite work out what causes it) certain keeps 
stop working - most importantly the Enter key (but also Cmd-P etc).

It looks like its dishing out some kind of tab key (its invisible in the 
playground - the cursor just jumps forward a few characters) but I’m not sure, 
and I wondered if I could print out key codes in Pharo to maybe spot what it 
is. But keyboard handling is not something I’ve dug into - and I’m looking for 
a few pointers (or maybe someone has seen this problem before and might be able 
to suggest a solution).

As I said, It starts out ok but then suddenly swaps to this behaviour (which 
makes coding then impractical). Restating the RD client doesn’t make a 
difference (and I’ve tried 2 different ones now). Other remote mac apps like 
Notes don’t seem to be affected and I have to exit the image and come back in 
to correct it. (I havne’t tried saving in between to see if it then preserves 
this behaviour).

Ulimately I was hoping to have an easy portable Pharo environment to sneakily 
take on holiday via an iPad.

The approach is to try and compile Pharo for iOS (I did it a long time ago, but 
it was a pain - whereas a remote server seemed like a neat solution).


Sent from my iPhone

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