> Am 29.05.2018 um 17:49 schrieb sergio ruiz <sergio....@gmail.com>:
> If a model has a list of things.. such as a user that can/may have lots of 
> pets, are there any real benefits to initializing the list of pets lazily?
> like:
> self pets := OrderedCollection new.
> vs.
> pets
>  pets ifNil: [self pets: OrderedCollection new]
>  ^ pets

Lazy initialization is good if you only want to assign additional objects when 
needed. So if it would be a storage optimization you could make it in a way 
that only those who have pets get a collection assigned. 
The downside is on the one hand that it raises concurrency problems because if 
two processes call #pets at the same time it could be that two collections are 
created and the two processes have each one of them and only one is stored in 
the pets holder. On the other hand lazy init makes you use the getter even 
inside the object (to assure the collection is created). I usually like to 
avoid having getters if not really needed but a lazy init style makes this a 
(bad) habit. 

So my advize would be that if you don’t have a reason to do so make the 
initialization of this collection in the #initialize method and use the instVar 
accessin the methods of the pets holder. Try not to have a getter for the pets 


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