
> On 7 Jun 2018, at 01:37, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Hi - I’ve hit some Json where the outputted values (they are field names) are 
> written out in a specific order - and the author hasn’t chosen to use an 
> array to represent those fields in a specific order.
> { ‘field1’ : { ….}, ‘field2’: { … } }
> I think this is technically incorrect and should be:
> { [ {‘field1’ : { ….}, ‘field2’: { … } ]}
> Anyway - given what I’ve got, would it be a terrible idea to create my own 
> version NeoJsonObject and just make it a subclass of OrderedDictionary?
> I can’t see any issues - but then I might be kidding myself…
> Tim

Yea, I think you could try making a NeoJSONOrderedObject as a subclass of 
OrderedDictionary, modelled after NeoJSONObject. Just remember it is 
implemented using DNU, which will surprise you at one point.


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