addFileToIndex: and addFilesToIndex: are still there...

We of course have support for changing and committing arbitrary files
(actually, pharo code at the end are just arbitrary files!). The difficult
part is to bring a consistent UI to life for it...

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:43 AM Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:

> Ooooh - I didn’t know about #addToIndex: that sounds like a possible
> workaround to my problem (but not a generic solution though).
> BTW - I don’t want this to be a criticism, I’m loving the tools and their
> possibilities!
> Tim
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 14 Jun 2018, at 09:36, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:
> Wait... so it is no longer possible to #addtoIndex: external files from
> Pharo? I thought that this functionality was supposed to be preserved.
> Peter
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:30 AM, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>> Hi - yes I’m pleased you check out the entire tree, although currently
>> it’s a bit confusing that you do (fortunately this does give the
>> possibility that we can checkout images and other resources that an Pharo
>> application might rely on - without having to resort to the Seaside
>> FileLibrary trick).
>> However my concrete case was that I have a gitlab ci pipeline and next to
>> my src directory in my project I have a config directory that has some
>> Nginx config for my teapot app. If I add a teapot route, I also need to
>> adjust that config and check both changes in together. I can’t easily do
>> that now?
>> I can modify /config/app.nginx either in another app (intellij) or even
>> in the simple Pharo text editor, and the I can add my new route in my
>> DemoApp>>createRoutes method but how do I check them in together so my
>> pipeline will build atomically?
>> Iceberg hasn’t written out the changes yet, so IntelliJ can’t see them to
>> do a commit, and iceberg ignores the parallel /config directory (that it
>> checked out). So it’s a catch 22.
>> This is why I suggested maybe we could specify safer (textual)
>> directories that iceberg might also checkin? OR we have a Stage command in
>> iceberg that does everything that commit does up to the point of actually
>> writing to the repo - then I could jump to IntelliJ and do the final commit
>> there and use its tools to manage non Pharo stuff (until we can build more)?
>> Does this make sense?
>> As an aside - I’d really like to checkin in the play-xxx directories (the
>> .ph files) as there is often useful playground stuff I’d like to access on
>> my home computer. We can’t do that easily at the moment either.
>> Tim
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 14 Jun 2018, at 09:12, Guillermo Polito <>
>> wrote:
>> Just to complement Esteban's answer:
>> - Iceberg checks out in disk more than the src directory because you
>> **may** want to edit files from the command line, and after long
>> discussions we did not want to forbid that.
>> Actually, just to put everybody in perspective, at first the idea was to
>> not have a working copy in disk at all, but just hit to the blob.
>> Imagine is nowadays we are a bit alien, that would have been worst :)
>> - About checking in files. I'd like to understand what you mean exactly.
>>   - Do you want to load them into memory?
>>     This would be the "more consistent" way to do it, following the "the
>> image it its own working copy" metaphore.
>>     This would allow us to, for example, share an image and transparently
>> share resources with it (without requiring to clone).
>>     But this would have some impact in memory consumption and add stress
>> to the GC, right?
>>   - Or do you mean to ask like any other Git client and show you the file
>> differences between the working copy and the git index?
>>     The problem with this approach is that we will have some treatment
>> for pharo code and some different treatment for non-code...
>>     If I do a change to a class, the change is kept in the image. But if
>> I do a change to a file, that change is not kept in the image!
>> Also, as Esteban says, having an IDE with support for files would mean
>> that we would need good tools to edit in-memory files (not only text files,
>> right? but also any kind of binary file...)
>> So far we cover the bare minimum that allows us to *not lose* changes :)
>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 11:07 PM Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>>> > yeah… but is a lot of work and no time just right now.
>>> > long term, it would be cool to manage everything from iceberg.
>>> > but reality check, is a huge amount of work so it has to come step by
>>> step.
>>> Fair enough - its pretty cool we’ve got this far, and I guess the onus
>>> is on the rest of us to learn more about how its done and see if we can
>>> contribute more somehow. I really appreciate the love you’ve already put
>>> into this - it works far better than I think we even realised it could.
>>> Tim
>>> > On 13 Jun 2018, at 21:55, Esteban Lorenzano <>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> On 13 Jun 2018, at 22:44, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Esteban - so I don't then understand why iceberg (usefully in my
>>> view) checks out more than the src directory, if it’s only focusing on the
>>> Pharo blob?
>>> >>
>>> >> I’m guessing that by knowing where the src is, you are just
>>> committing that part of the tree with libgit?
>>> >>
>>> >> Perhaps from a pragmatic first step you might consider letting us add
>>> a second safe resources directory that you could check in atomically as
>>> well (on the understanding all bets are off if it goes wrong?)
>>> >>
>>> >> OR could we have a check in mode does all the add/remove operations
>>> and writes to disk but then let’s you drop to the command line/other tool
>>> to add any other files and do the final commit?
>>> >>
>>> >> I just feel like you/we are so close to something that works a bit
>>> more broadly and embrace the wider world.?
>>> >
>>> > yeah… but is a lot of work and no time just right now.
>>> > long term, it would be cool to manage everything from iceberg.
>>> > but reality check, is a huge amount of work so it has to come step by
>>> step.
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> Tim
>>> >>
>>> >> Sent from my iPhone
>>> >>
>>> >>> On 13 Jun 2018, at 21:28, Esteban Lorenzano <>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> hi,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> On 13 Jun 2018, at 16:50, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Hi - my second attempt at using Pharo with Git has proven very
>>> satisfying (I saw the potential in phase 1, but it was often difficult to
>>> understand what was happening and the workflow to use).
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> One thing that has come up a few times for me however - and its
>>> something that using git nicely highlights, there are many non-smalltalk
>>> assets in my project that don’t need to live in the image (like Seaside
>>> FileLibraries were trying to do) but do need to be versioned and be part of
>>> my project. Common examples are server config files, images and even the
>>> playground history files that are useful to pull up when on another
>>> computer.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> It seems that while Iceberg does check out a full project, if I
>>> change any of the files outside of the src directory (like edit a .txt file
>>> using the crude Pharo file editor), those changes don’t get committed when
>>> I do a checkin? Is this on purpose? It makes the workflow a bit trickier to
>>> do an atomic commit of a piece of work - and I’m not clear whether this is
>>> a conscious thing, or an MVP thing (and it will come later).
>>> >>>
>>> >>> workflow is tricker because you are expecting iceberg to talk with
>>> the local working copy and to handle that WC.
>>> >>> what happens in fact is different: iceberg treats the image as a
>>> working copy itself (it has its own “stage” area) and what you have in disk
>>> is like a separated WC.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> at least, this is the metaphor we are using now, because we cannot
>>> realistically handle/control what is in disk since it can be anything.
>>> >>> So, instead having this picture in mind:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Image -> Disk -> Git blob (database)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> you need to have this other:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Image \
>>> >>>      Git blob (database)
>>> >>> Disk    /
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> you will see as soon as you change the mental image, your problems
>>> are gone ;)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> cheers!
>>> >>> Esteban
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ps: diagram before is not exactly as it is since the image actually
>>> writes into disk first, but this is an implementation detail we would like
>>> to remove in the future, even.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> As mentioned above, I was also thinking it would be nice if I could
>>> checkin some of the play-xxxx/*.sh files to essentially keep some of that
>>> history synced between environments (or team members?).
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> It strikes me that this is the kind of thing that git integration
>>> should bring to us?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I can overlay my copy of IntelliJ on top of my local iceberg
>>> directory and then use it for checkins - but then I still have the atomic
>>> problem, as its only when I commit that tonel files are written out onto
>>> the file system for me to checkin along with any other assets I’ve changed.
>>> Does anyone else have a good workflow for this? What do you guys do?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Tim
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>> --
>> Guille Polito
>> Research Engineer
>> Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille
>> CRIStAL - UMR 9189
>> French National Center for Scientific Research - *
>> <>*
>> *Web:* ** <>
>> *Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13


Guille Polito

Research Engineer

Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille

CRIStAL - UMR 9189

French National Center for Scientific Research - *

*Web:* ** <>

*Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13

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