Not quite the same usecase . But on github it’s a brilliant format for a side 
project - I can hack code on the tube on my phone with a build ci server to 
report the results when I surface (very lazy programming, but with a family and 
limited time - needs must) .


Sent from my iPhone

> On 16 Jun 2018, at 22:10, Esteban Lorenzano <> wrote:
>> On 16 Jun 2018, at 16:38, Ben Coman <> wrote:
>> Le 16/06/2018 à 10:43, Ben Coman a écrit :
>>> How can a fileout/filein be done using Tonel format?
>>> In the first case as a script?
>>> and secondly as a possible menu option for Pharo?
>>> This is to facilitate transfer of student coding exercises for Exercism.
>>> Could Tonel handle a full package export in one file?
>>> On 16 June 2018 at 17:13, Hilaire <> wrote:
>>> Hi Ben,
>>> I am not sure, but the purpose of Tonel is to propose a file representation 
>>> of "one class=one file".
>> Sure thats how Tonel came about, and its how we mostly use it, but is this 
>> an inherent limitation? 
> no. 
> in fact, Martin McClure is working to make tonel available to work on 
> file-per-package and even file-per-method again. In general, we do not want 
> one or the other, but there are certain contexts where those can be useful.
>> Each method is prefixed with its class, so from my 100ft viewpoint it seems 
>> feasible to transport a whole package in one Tonel file. 
>>> Why not using Fileout st files to transfer the code?
>> The same question might be asked why Iceberg didn't just use a Fileout at 
>> class level
> well, while file-out is good, we want to use Tonel format also to file-out 
> and file-in. Not a replacement but an addition. Because the format is more 
> readable, is sometimes more suitable for exchange too.
> cheers,
> Esteban
>> . 
>> The Tonel format is more readable, especially minus the scattering of 
>> exclamation marks.
>> I also meant to ask, what methods are used to file-in a Tonel file ?
>> Or more the point, what method process a string in Tonel format that has 
>> been downloaded from a website?
>> Actually, hunting around a bit I found....
>> TonelParserTest >> testMethodDefList
>> shows that... ((TonelParser on: tonelString readStream) perform: 
>> #methodDefList)
>> returns an array of MCMethodDefinitions that respond to #load
>> with...
>> MCMethodDefinition >> load
>>      self actualClass
>>              compile: source
>>              classified: category
>>              withStamp: timeStamp
>>              notifying: nil
>> And... 
>> TonelParserTest >> testTypeDef
>> shows that ((TonelParser on: tonelString readStream) perform: #typeDef)
>> returns a MCClassDefinition that also responds to #load
>> with...
>> MCClassDefinition >> load
>>      self createClass
>> So as an experiment I deleted MCMockClassD,
>> then in playground evaluated...
>>     tonelString := (ZnEasy get: 
>> '')
>>  contents.
>>     parser := (TonelParser on: tonelString readStream).
>>     classDef := parser perform: #typeDef.
>>     methodDefs := parser perform: #methodDefList.
>>     classDef load.
>>     methodDefs do: [ :md | md load ].
>> and super cool...   MCMockClassD>>one  was restored.
>> So is that the correct way to use it?
>> cheers -ben

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