
I'll write down some of the reasons of the project's design, like that I
can afterwards copy paste it in the wiki :).

First, this design did not came up from an egg. We worked on it for about
two months. And it is thought to be backwards compatible and manage lots of
metacello particularities. It may have things that are perfectible, sure,
so let's discuss it.

One of the main problems we saw in metacello, and that Iceberg inherited,
was the "source subdirectory" thing. This source directory had to be
specified in the CLIENT, meaning that every time we clone a repository we
should know by heart the directory chose by its developer. Moreover, we
lack a standard way to do it, so everybody does as he feels (root
directory, src, source, repository, mc....).

This has some bad consequences:
 - once a repository is referenced by some other project, it is more
complicated to change its source directory. Imagine that tomorrow we set as
standard that all git repos should have the code in src. Then voyage should
change. And all its clients too.
 - Making a typo in the code subdirectory means sometimes super ugly errors
from metacello that are difficult to debug and understand (e.g., "Cannot
resolve BaselineOfMetacello WTF")

Moreover, there was another problem that people started stumbling on: the
fact that iceberg got confused sometimes thinking that an empty project was
in filetree (to keep backwards compatibility with projects without a

So we decided that for this release we wanted to revert a bit that
situation. Think object: let's put the meta-data used to interpret a
project's structure inside the project itself.
The idea is that:

 - each project should contain both a .project and a .properties file. The
first can contain arbitrary project meta-data (such as the source
directory). The second contains the cypress properties, which are needed to
correctly interpret the code inside the source directory.
 - a project without a .project file is an old project and cannot be
interpreted, because we don't know the source directory
 - a project without a .properties file is an old project and is by default
transformed in a project with a #filetree properties file
 - an old project cloned from iceberg detects the missing .project file and
gives the user the opportunity to declare it (and then commit it explicitly)
 - an old project cloned and loaded from a Metacello expression defining a
source directory will honnor the source directory defined in the Metacello
expression (for backwards compatibility, and we have ~500 tests about this).

# About defaults values / forcing the user to define a project

First, notice that even when the repositories you load are just marked as
This is because in memory we add a project to your repository.
But you're not forced to commit it.
Actually, you can still load packages and baselines from that repository
without committing.

This is in line with Iceberg's "explicitness". We try to not do any
destructive operation without asking the user first (that's why we have
several preview windows for pushing, pulling, checkout, merge..., and why
contrastingly with monticello we show the committed changes on the commit
window...). So, instead of transparently "adding the file" we have decided
to modify the project in memory and let the user the responsibility to
commit that file.

If there's a drawback, is that the repository is marked as dirty. Which is
a bit noisy, yes, but still I think it's not so bad compared with the
previous drawbacks.
To solve this, we could have some default values, yes, and only mark it as
dirty if the project does not follow the default value.
This could work, but right now all projects use different names for their
source directories.
So the question is, what would be a good default? I'd like to use 'src'
since this is short, well known and less alien (all these in the sense that
we do not lose anything and we have a lot to gain by using it).
However, not much repositories use 'src' so it will still produce a lot of

But still! Committing that file is a one-time operation. Once people fix
their repositories adding the project meta-data, you will not see them
dirty anymore. So we can see this as a transition noise too...

Of course, new ideas are welcome. I'll let Pablo and Esteban add their
points of view on this too.

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