On 8/24/18, H. Hirzel <hannes.hir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Jesús Marí. I reloaded your updated JupyterTalk Pharo
> Smalltalk package which now looks for more places to find the library
> ZeroMQ.
> Unfortunately it still did not find the ZeroMQ library.
> The following command shows where there is a ZeroMQ library:  [1]
> root@Latitude2:/# find / -name libzmq*.so.*
> /home/user25/anaconda3/lib/libzmq.so.5
> /home/user25/anaconda3/lib/libzmq.so.5.1.5
> /home/user25/anaconda3/pkgs/zeromq-4.2.5-h439df22_0/lib/libzmq.so.5
> /home/user25/anaconda3/pkgs/zeromq-4.2.5-h439df22_0/lib/libzmq.so.5.1.5
> ------
> So there is
>     libzmq.so.5
> and not
>     libzmq.so.3
> which you need for JuypterTalk.
> So I need to install either  libzmq.so.3 library separately or
> JupyterTalk needs to be changed to also look for libzmq.so.3,
> libzmq.so.4 or libzmq.so.5
> I'll look into your code and try a hack to look for
> /home/user25/anaconda3/lib/libzmq.so.5

I assume the hack has to be done here


the question is how...

> --Hannes
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] Context: ZeroMQ was installed by the Python Anaconda distribution.
> I t is the recommended way for installing the JupyterNotebook
> http://jupyter.org/install
> The idea is that you get everything in one big installation ('a
> distribution')
> However it seems that going for opteion 2 (pip installation seems to
> be easier next time).
> But as I have a working Jupyter installation now it is left with
> getting a ZeroMQ installation which JupyterTalk finds.
> On 8/23/18, Jesús Marí <jmariagui...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Load it again I've updated the unix64ModuleName to search for the correct
>> library name.
>> --
>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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