Say I want to write ten tests for different aspects of a web service point.
Apart from the risk of relying on an external service,
I'd like to poll the web service once rather than ten times.
I wondering about the feasibility of memorizing data between test methods.
Taking for example...
     TestCase subclass: #MyTest ...

My understanding is that MyTest >> setUp is run once per test method.
What I guess is missing is a #groupSetup that would be called at the start
of a running a group of tests.

MyTest >> groupSetup
    memorized := Dictionary new.

MyTest >> getLiveDataOncePerRun
    ^ memorized at: 'data' ifAbsentPut: [ZnClient new get: ''.

MyTest >> test1
    data  := self  getLiveDataOncePerRun  .
    self assert: data result1 equals: 'expected result 1'

MyTest >> test2
    data  := self  getLiveDataOncePerRun.
    self assert: data result2 equals: 'expected result 2'

cheers -ben

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