
There is no built-in support for something like this.

You would have to change the internal logic of the TablePresentation renderer.


> On Oct 4, 2018, at 7:16 PM, Arturo Zambrano <arturo.zambr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I would like to preserve the width of columns for tables after a user has 
> changed them (not fast tables, but it should be similar).
>   To do this I plan to get the actual width of the columns and use it the 
> next time I need to create the table.
>  Please consider the following snippet:
> browser := GLMTabulator new.
> browser row: #Example.
> browser transmit
>       to: #Example;
>       andShow: [ :a | 
>               table:=  a table.
>               table  
>                 column: 'Class Name' evaluated:[:clazz| clazz name] width:100;
>                       column: '# of methods' evaluated:[:clazz| clazz methods 
> size] width:150;
>                 children:[:clazz| clazz subclasses]; 
>                 shouldRootsExpand: true ].                    
>        browser openOn: {Object}.      
>  If I resize the columns in the UI and then run
> table columns collect:[:c| c width]           
> I get the original sizes but not the actual ones.
> I have two questions:
>   1- Is there a way to get the actual values for column width?
>   2 - Is there an event that gets fired when column sizes are changed in the 
> UI?
> If there is such an event maybe all that is needed it to update the width 
> inst. var in the columns (GLMTableColumns). 
> Arturo


"From an abstract enough point of view, any two things are similar."

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