On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 03:38:21PM +0200, H. Hirzel wrote:
> What is the easiest way to get SQLite3 support in Pharo7 (Ubuntu Linux)?

Hi Hannes,

Until the catalog is updated, the snippet way is as follows:

  Metacello new
    repository: 'github://pharo-rdbms/glorp-sqlite3';
    baseline: 'GlorpSQLite';

I'm on Ubuntu 18.04. I've just run the above for Pharo7.0 f8ef5eb
images, both 32- and 64-bit. After installing, in Test Runner, I
selected UDBC and ran the SQLite tests: all 82 UDBCSQLite tests passed.
For Glorp, on both, 891 run, 881 passes, 10 errors. For good measure, I
did the same in a fresh Pharo-60543 image, and this time all 891 Glorp
tests passed. So need to look into Glorp on Pharo 7.


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