nice , good to know that is already a feature in another smalltalk
implementation. I decided finally to go against the idea of new sytax or
the heavy usage of Array symbols. Instead I will be using standard 100%
Pharo syntax. Fortunately Smalltalk syntax is so minimal that allows me to
do this without hitting my head against a wall. I have already a prototype
working for simple variable declarations with static types and slowly but
steadily moving forward to the rest of the C syntax. Looks like the ship
has left the port :D

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 4:09 AM Pierce Ng <> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 01:38:36PM +0300, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
> > About your last part on platforms, I will be providing a way to inline C
> > code so one can you use C macros to detect the platform and generate code
> > accordingly.
> Smalltalk/X allows inline C. Not sure about macros though, as I don't
> know whether Smalltalk/X runs the C code through the C preprocessor or
> does its own compilationn magic.
> Pierce

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