So I guess that floor > 0 is your condition, right? In Smalltalk, the idea is 
that you evaluate the condition and ask the result of it (usually true or 
false) to do something.

Right so far? That would mean the receiver of your wanted message is either the 
result of the evaluation or or a Block which will be evaluated in a construct 
like ifTrue: or something like whileTrue:



> Am 09.11.2018 um 08:24 schrieb Roelof Wobben <>:
> Hello,
> I try to solve a adventofcode challenge where I must find out when santa is 
> first at the basement. the floor is there -1.
> So I thought I use a while loop like this :
> santaFloorOnBasement
>     "calculates which step take Santa to the basement"
>      | index|
>      index := 1.
>      ??? when: (floor >=0 ) do:
>         [ floor := (input at: index = '(' )
>                 ifTrue: [ floor + 1 ]
>                 ifFalse: [ floor - 1 ].
>          index := index + 1 ].
> but I cannot find out what must be instead of the ??
> index is the index of the string which has to start with a 1.
> floor  and input are both instance variables. floor contains the current 
> floor and input the input of the challenge.
> Can someone help me figure this out so the next time I can do this on my own.
> Roelof

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