On Sat, 17 Nov 2018 at 22:16, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:

> To get a better impression we made an image film of the event. Now the 4K
> version is available on youtube.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIl9FAatKyw
> hope you like it,

Like it? makes me want to jump on a plane for the next one.
Great presentation!!

cheers -ben

> Norbert
> Am 22.10.2018 um 16:23 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:
> Last Friday we went to the IoT Hackathon in Köln and it was a great
> experience.
> Thank you Norbert, Christian, Markus and the whole ZweiDenker team for
> their generous hospitality: the accommodations where great (beautiful
> office), the food and drinks super tasty, everybody friendly and welcoming.
> Thank you Allex (Oliviera, Inria/RMOD) for running the workshop and for
> being so patient, friendly and tireless in helping everyone with all
> aspects of getting experiments up and running.
> I knew about PharoThings [1] and TelePharo [2] before, but actually using
> it in practice to experience connecting software and hardware felt a bit
> like magic. Thank you Denis (Kudriashov) and Inria/RMOD for developing
> these packages.
> <PastedGraphic-1.tiff>
> <PastedGraphic-2.tiff>
> Sven
> [1] https://github.com/pharo-iot/PharoThings
> [2] https://github.com/pharo-ide/TelePharo

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