> On 17 Nov 2018, at 16:04, Hans-Martin <pharo-...@fam-mosner.de> wrote:
> Hi, I've stumbled upon a 7.0 incompatibility with regards to how file names
> are treated.
> In 6.1, I can use Strings and FileLocators interchangeably to create and
> read Zip archives. That's because StandardFileStream does the magic behind
> the screnes.

Could you give a code example ? What API/methods are you talking about ?

What worked before and does not work anymore ?

> In 7.0, StandardFileStream has been deprecated, and "File
> openForReadFileNamed:" is used instead. That method does not handle
> FileLocators, so code that uses FileLocators to open Zip archives ceased to
> work.

*NO* you should not use File directly.

Just use FileReference instances (however you create them) and work from there. 
If you got a string path, use #asFileReference.

  FileLocator desktop / 'foo.txt readStreamDo: [ :in | in upToEnd ]

MyObject>>#readFromFile: file
  ^ file asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :in | self readFromStream: in ]

> What's the preferred solution? It strikes me as illogical that objects which
> were made to reference files can't be used to reference files in these
> contexts. However, there may be a conscious design decision behind this
> change that's just not obvious to me.
> Cheers,
> Hans-Martin
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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