Hi Richard,

So the $$$$ that we gave you is now “lost"? Perhaps people didn’t understand 
what you expected from us other than money. What else is needed to make your 
project a success? We are supposed to “code the competition” as well? Anything 

Is this practice of insulting people (“Doesn’t anyone care about promoting 
Pharo?”) supposed to be motivating? Is it a demonstration of you expertise at 
marketing? Does it build confidence about how the Smalltalk community will be 
perceived by the new arrivals?

I’ve appreciated your blog posts and your passion, but I’m put off by this 


P.S. I realize that I’m probably doing what I’m criticizing in you—throwing out 
negative comments from behind a keyboard to score points when I might not be so 
harsh in person. 

> On Nov 20, 2018, at 2:36 PM, Richard Kenneth Eng <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Not even a single nibble? Doesn't anyone care about promoting Pharo?
> What a colossal lost opportunity!
> On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 at 09:29, Richard Kenneth Eng <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:horrido.hobb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Some of you may already be aware of my presentation at Smalltalks 2018, the 
> outcome of which was full funding for my Smalltalk programming competition. 
> See My Keynote at the Salta Conference 
> <https://hackernoon.com/my-keynote-at-the-salta-conference-435dfaccc888>.
> Three years ago, David Buck provided an outline for the competition. See 
> attached.
> I would like to use that as a starting point, though I am open to alternative 
> suggestions.
> The reason for this post is the following...
> I need volunteers to code the competition. I am nowhere near qualified to do 
> so, as my knowledge of Pharo is limited.
> Without help from Pharoers (or, at least, Smalltalkers), the competition is 
> in jeopardy. This is a great opportunity to promote Pharo. (The original 
> competition three years ago was going to use VisualWorks, but since Cincom 
> did not see fit to support my competition this year, I decided to go with 
> Pharo.)
> Please contact me if anyone is interested. It would be a terrible shame to 
> waste this opportunity.
> Regards,
> Richard

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