Bizarre. I've created a new VirtualBox image of Debian and now this solution
no longer works! I'm still getting the thread priority warning. So this
solution appears to be unreliable.


On Fri, 23 Nov 2018 at 04:02, horrido &lt;horrido.hobbies@&gt; wrote:

> Okay, I've resolved everything. First, the reason why I'm getting the
> 'pthread_setschedparam failed' error when I run Pharo under Debian is
> because it must be run as 'root'! Don't ask me why, but that's the reason
> why Pharo can't set thread priorities. (This wasn't an issue under Ubuntu
> Server – go figure.)
> Second, I am now using Pharo's own SHA256 class. It's probably not as
> secure
> (because it doesn't use a salt value) and not as quick to execute (not
> being
> C code), but for my purpose, it doesn't really matter.
> So I can use DigitalOcean or OVH to run my web server in a VPS.

Good to hear.  But you shouldn't need to run Pharo as root,
just be root to create this config file....
cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
*      hard    rtprio  2
*      soft    rtprio  2

cheers -ben

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