Hi Gustavo.

There is no such events in Calypso. But you can subscribe on raw table
selection changes like:

browser classView table onAnnouncement: FTSelectionChanged do: [:ann |

    browser classSelection actualObjects "==> real class objects"]

You will need create subclass of ClyBrowserPlugin. And add this logic into
#browser: method.

вт, 4 дек. 2018 г. в 17:47, Gustavo Santos <gugajan...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to upgrade MacroRecorder to Pharo7.
> I used NautilusClassSelected and NautilusMethodSelected announcements to
> apply a macro in a given class or method right after the developer clicks
> on the browser. Something like
> AbstractNautilusPlugin subclass: #MRNautilusPlugin ...
> registerTo: aModel
>       aModel announcer weak
> when: NautilusClassSelected  send: #entitySelected: to: self;
> when: NautilusMethodSelected send: #entitySelected: to: self.
> How can I do the same with Calypso?
> Cheers,
> --
> Gustavo Santos
> http://gustavojss.github.io/

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