On Sun, 16 Dec 2018 at 19:57, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

> Op 16-12-2018 om 12:34 schreef Ben Coman:
> On Sun, 16 Dec 2018 at 02:37, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have this code :
>> https://gist.github.com/RoelofWobben/7c08680797d1d9f84436653a0e4edd3b
>> as  my solution to a AoC challenge.
>> But the last test `testIsNice`  is still  outputting the wrong output.
>> The right output is :   `ugknbfddgicrmopn ` and `aaa`
>> Someone who can think with me where I make a thinking error so that the
>> right output is seen.
> You seem to already have fixed that problem, so just some general
> feedback...
> Your #isNice is an instance method, so you are already inside
> a FindNiceStrings object.
> So you don't need...
> ```niceStringsObject := FindNiceStrings new.```
> Just use self.
> By convention, all #isXXXXX methods should return a Boolean
> Your ```isNice: aCollection``` method returns a collection. That would be
> better renamed #selectNice:
> The two #and: messages inside the #select: makes that a bit verbose.
> I'd refactor that condition out to its own method, i.e. ```isNice:
> aWord``` since that was freed up
> So you would have:
> ```
> FindNiceStrings  selectNice: aCollection
> ^ aCollection select: [ :word | self isNice: word ]
> ```
> > self assert: (FindNiceStrings new checkForbiddenParts: string) equals:
> true
> The "equals: true" part is redundant.
> cheers -ben
> Thanks,
> So the isNice function has all the code with the 2 times and.
> and what must i use when a test is false so instead of equals:  false

Evaluate this... ```#deny: senders inspect```

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