Being a fan of DDD and Event Sourcing as I am, I'd implement your domain
using Aggregates and Events.
Basically, your aggregate (Plant?) would respond to external information
(or based on a schedule) and as a result, new events are generated ("Flower
sprung", "Plant died", ...).
If only we had properly documented our Pharo-EDA "framework"...

El mié., 16 ene. 2019 a las 18:05, Loïc Pagès (<>)

> Hi Richard,
> You are in the south hemisphere, so ! Temperatures are low here in France.
> Thank you for your comments.
> I agree that development is slow if you look at the plant every day, and
> in this case we perceive continuous changes. But in models, it might be
> convenient to define discrete stages. If you look at a flower bud at a
> given date and come back several days (or weeks) after, you can see a
> flower at the bud location. This type of approximation is usual in
> biological modelling and data acquisition.
> Thank you for the suggestions on the "State" design pattern. I will have a
> look !
> Loïc
> Le 16/01/2019 à 13:18, Richard O'Keefe a écrit :
> It seems to me that in the real world, a bud does not get replaced by a
> flower
> nor a flower by a fruit, nor is there a definite point at which a thing
> stops
> being a bud and starts being a flower, and so on.  It's summer now, but
> spring
> wasn't that long ago, and I enjoyed watching the imperceptible *continuous*
> changes.  So anything you do is going to be imposing discontinuity on a
> more-
> or-less continuous process and is definitely going to be an approximation.
> You may perhaps be looking for the "State" design pattern where there is an
> object with a fixed identity (*this* bud/flower/fruit) which behaves
> differently at different times, and this is modelled by the "outer" object
> delegating some of its behaviour to a "state" which can be replaced.
> So you would have
>   PlantOrgan
>     PlantReproductiveOrgan (state)
>   PlantReproductiveOrganState
>     Bud
>     Flower
>     DeadFlower
>     ImmatureFruit
>     MatureFruit
> You will find abundant material about the "State" design pattern on the
> web.
> On Thu, 17 Jan 2019 at 00:29, Loïc Pagès <> wrote:
>> Hi Joachim,
>> Thank you for your reply and for your ideas. I will reply to your
>> questions below.
>> Le 16/01/2019 à 10:25, a écrit :
>> > Loïc,
>> >
>> > Am I correct in assuming you are thinking about a model in which a
>> > plant can have a growing and shrinking list of organs over time and
>> > some of them even have (a growing list of) stages?
>> Yes, the plant can be seen as a growing and shrinking list of organs.
>> Very short list at the beginning, and becoming larger. Some organs can
>> fall (leaves, roots) or even be pruned (shoots in fruit trees), so that
>> shrinking can also occur.
>> However, the list of stages for each organ is usually known at the
>> beginning, for each type of organ. It depends of knowledge and level of
>> detail that we include in the model.
>> >
>> > I am not an expert on the matter, but to me the stages idea sounds
>> > good. It even allows for historic information (it was a bud from Date1
>> > to Date2 and since then it is a flower). So transformation would be
>> > adding a new Stage and "terminate" the previous one.
>> This can be an approach. But the conditions for passing from one stage
>> to another can be more complex and involve several aspects (age,
>> previous growth, pollination, etc) with a lot of code. So, if you keep
>> this code into the general "reproductive organ" class, you make a "fat
>> class" with a lot of tests. This was not recommended in the Pharo course
>> :-)
>> >
>> > With this you can ask a plant about its current stage on the
>> > reproductive front and maybe other organs as well at any point time.
>> > This may be helpful if you want to build an animation of the plant's
>> > development over time. You can have separate life cycles for each organ.
>> This is actually an objective of such models, to be able to get the
>> status of the whole plant, regarding the stages of organs.
>> >
>> > Does the plant transform in the real world? I mean, is a cherry tree
>> > still a cherry tree, even if it's not blooming any more and carries
>> > fruit instead? So why transform the object in its abstract model?
>> The plant usually changes because of its development, but a cherry tree
>> remains a cherry tree !  And flowers are necessary steps to get fruits
>> !  The idea was not to transform the whole plant, but each individual
>> organ that it carries.
>> >
>> >
>> > Just a thought, maybe better ideas show up.
>> OK, thank you again
>> Loïc
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Am 16.01.19 um 10:15 schrieb Loïc Pagès:
>> >> Dear Pharo users,
>> >>
>> >> I develop software dedicated to the simulation of plant development
>> >> and 3D architecture.
>> >>
>> >> In the past, I used Java, but I am very interested in translating
>> >> code in Pharo. I appreciated very much the language and the course.
>> >>
>> >> I have a question for you all :
>> >>
>> >> During plant development (ontogeny), new organs appear, that are
>> >> gradually tranformed. For example, a bud can make a flower, and then
>> >> a fruit.
>> >>
>> >> Organs are conveniently modelled as classes. During the course, I
>> >> learned that it was better to make several classes (bud, flower,
>> >> fruit) instead of a "fat class" such as "reproductive organ" with
>> >> many attributes and stages (bud stage, flower stage, fruit stage). I
>> >> wonder how to transform an object into another one, to represent for
>> >> example the fact that the flower may become a fruit.
>> >>
>> >> Maybe a naive question ?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for your lights !
>> >>
>> >> Loïc
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >

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