On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 at 08:31, magicspeller <ph...@magicspeller.info> wrote:

> Can you tell me why you don't have to select "ProfStef go." before right
> clicking it. I had gotten the impression that to execute any Smalltalk
> statement you always have to select it first.

In general you are correct, but newcomers are more familiar with a click
paradigm that a select &doIt paradigm
so this specific case is different.  In the interest of teaching how to
fish :), here is how you can discover these sorts of answers for
Tools > Finder > Source
then search for... ProfStef go
and you'll see...  WelcomeHelp-class>>learn
which does...  (self doItFrom: 'ProfStef go.')
Double-clicking "doItFrom:" selects it, then hitting <Ctrl-M> does "Code
search... > implementors of it"
that is commented...  [left as an exercise for the reader]

cheers -ben

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