Hi -

In this repo

    location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/TimeZoneDatabase'
    user: ''
    password: ''

There is the BaselineOfTimeZoneDatabase

If in a Pharo7 playground I run

Metacello new
        baseline: 'TimeZoneDatabase';
        repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/TimeZoneDatabase';

It loads into the image fine and seems to work.

If I include it in another project like this
        spec baseline: 'TimeZoneDatabase'
                        with: [ spec repository: 
'http://www.squeaksource.com/TimeZoneDatabase' ].
        spec package: 'MyPackage' 
                        with:[ spec requires: #('DependencyA' 'DependencyB' 
'DependencyC' 'DependencyD' 'TimeZoneDatabase')]
        spec group:'default' with:'MyPackage'.

and load that project into a different, clean Pharo 7 image with

Metacello new
        baseline: 'MyProject';
        repository: '/my/pharo/packages/';
        load: 'default'

Then none of the TimeZoneDatabase packages are loaded and only the postLoadDoIt 
from the BaselineOfTimeZoneDatabase is called.  

(The other dependencies aren't loaded either but I figured to just use this 
TimeZoneDatabase as an example for this email).  

In the BaselineOfTimeZoneDatabase the #baseline: method is 

baseline: spec
                for: #common
                do: [ spec postLoadDoIt: #buildSystemDatabase.
                        spec package: 'Time'.
                        spec group: 'Core' with: #('default') ].
                for: #squeak
                do: [ spec
                                package: 'TimeZoneDatabase-Squeak'
                                with: [ spec requires: #('Time') ].
                        spec group: 'default' with: 
#('TimeZoneDatabase-Squeak') ].
                for: #pharo
                do: [ spec
                                package: 'TimeZoneDatabasePharoPreload';
                                package: 'Time'
                                        with: [ spec requires: 
#('TimeZoneDatabasePharoPreload') ];
                                package: 'TimeZoneDatabase-Pharo'
                                        with: [ spec requires: #('Time') ].
                        spec group: 'default' with: #('TimeZoneDatabase-Pharo') 

I'm clearly doing something wrong but don't know what.  Any ideas on what to 
change or try next?



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