> On 5 Feb 2019, at 13:55, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>> On 5 Feb 2019, at 13:49, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>>> On 5 Feb 2019, at 02:42, Pierce Ng <pie...@samadhiweb.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is there a definitive list of all the pharo-* organizations on GH? Like
>>> pharo-rdbms, pharo-nosql, pharo-vcs, ... Or, a way to query GH to find out?
>>> Pierce
>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 15:52, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Naming the teams “pharo-something” was kind of my idea to improve visibility 
>> of pharo. This has been followed by others which means we do not know all 
>> organisations nor all pharo contributions are made under a pharo-something 
>> team (in fact the less of them).
>> We have in our TODO a new version of the catalog that will be “GitHub based” 
>> to group all projects.
>> That would be very cool. Could that be something like a STON file people can 
>> text edit directly on github?
>> Then for simple testing, could have a CI job that tests the new entries by 
>> diffing against the previous commit,
>> to confirm that the specified version exists in the specified 
>> ConfigurationOf or BaselineOf.
>> cheers -ben 
> Let's not make it (too) complex, please. Everything has to be maintained 
> (that is why 99% of all wikis are a mess).

The idea is to make it even easier than now (but so far nothing is defined).
Something like (but this is JUST A DRAFT IN MY MIND):

        #project : ‘MyCoolProject’,
        #description : ‘Blablabla’,
        #tags: [ ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ ],
        #versions : [
                #current  : ‘1.2.3’,
                #pharo7:  ‘1.2.0’,
        url: ‘github://estebanlm/MyCoolProject'

So you edit the versions to add new ones available (or user can ask for a 
branch like “master" directly, if they want).
… and of course, something similar for projects who still live at sthub or 
The only problem with this approach is that you need to fork the catalog to add 
your version, something I’m still not convinced is the best solution (but no 
other way if using github).

Finally, the tool in image would be the same.


> Even the old scheme (just copy the ConfigurationOf in the right repository) 
> was not that easy to use (it required manual action to maintain).
> And can we please solve the problem that BaselineOf cannot be used as Catalog 
> entries (or so I understood it).

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