
addChild: expects a BlElement not a canvas. A BlElement draws on a canvas 
object that is passed to it.

SpartaCanvas is an abstract class. If you want to instantiate a canvas, pick 
one of the subclasses.

For example, for MozCanvas, see MozExamples.


> On Feb 25, 2019, at 4:55 PM, David Richards <david.i.richards....@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> | canvas space node text |
> . BlUniverse reset
> . space := BlSpace new
> . space show
> . space title: 'Test Space'
> . space extent: 800@400
> . space root background: Color lightBlue 
> . space position: 1@25
> . canvas := BlSpartaMozCanvasBuilder extent: 400@250
> . space root addChild: canvas
> This fails.
> Any ideas how to create a Sparta Canvas, to draw some text on?


"There are no old things, there are only old ways of looking at them."

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