> On 4. Mar 2019, at 16:12, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:

Thanks for the help!


I try to keep it brief so please tell me when to elaborate more.

(1) Handling of default values.
(2) Fast lazy initialization of OrderedCollection for repeated fields
(3) Installation of selectors based on the type
(4) Caching a descriptor reverse table somewhere
(5) Mandatory field handling
(6) Verbosity/Tooling

(1) In Protobuf a field can have a default value associated. I am torn if to 
use the option of a Slot to write these fields or have a 
PBTypeMessage>>#initialize that iterates over the slots and writes the default 

(2) PBRepeatedType>>#decodeFrom:instVarIndex:to: lazily initializes the 
collection for a repeated field. I am not sure if I can do (much) better and 
what the trade-offs are (e.g. use the option to write instructions to make 
loads lazy initialize).

(3) I started to use AccessorInstanceVariableSlot as base-class and it is quite 
neat. I wondered if I want/should/can protect overwriting a user-generated 

(4) For decoding I am building a field_number -> Slot map. I am currently 
building this whenever a message needs to be parse. I would like to (lazily) 
initialize it and store it somewhere. I am considering to use a hidden slot but 
maybe there is something obvious?

(5) After materialization I should check if all mandatory fields were written. 
The most lazy implementation seems to select all slots that are not 
repeated/optional and verify that the fields are not nil..

(6) My slot syntax is (too) complex and writing it by hand is difficult. I 
wondered if Class>>#addSlot: could be exposed nicely in Calypso. And in 
GTInspector my class is shown without slots. :)

The following works now

$ protoc -odescriptor.pb src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto

GBPFileDescriptorSet materializeFrom: 'descriptor.pb' asFileReference 

> Hello!
> Nice, I will have a look. 
> I am interested to see how class layouts / slots can be used here.
> (but it might take some days to find timeā€¦)
>       Marcus
>> On 26 Feb 2019, at 07:54, Holger Freyther <hol...@freyther.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> from my point of view the pillars of future services are Google protobuf[1] 
>> and gRPC. Protobuf can be used for configuration files[2], 
>> tracing/logging[3] and storage[4]. gRPC is built on top-of HTTP2 and is 
>> using the protobuf IDL and marshaling. Many projects (etcd, envoy, Google 
>> Cloud, ...) provide a gRPC based API (and some automatically map this from 
>> REST to gRPC) already and I would like to build clients and servers in Pharo.
>> My plan of action is to start with a protobuf compiler/model and then look 
>> into binding the gRPC C implementation to Pharo.
>> I have started with gokr's Protobuf code on Smalltalkhub and defined base 
>> types and a Slot and could use some help to structure this more nicely.
>> The code is at: https://github.com/zecke/pharo-protobuf and I could use some 
>> comments/review of how to use Slots in a significant way (add "type" 
>> validation on write, constraint checks, builder pattern?).
>> Given a definition like:
>> syntax = "proto2";
>> package foo;
>> enum Color {
>>      RED = 0;
>>      GREEN = 1;
>>      BLUE = 2;
>> }
>> message MyMessage {
>>      optional Color color = 1;
>> }
>> And an encoded binary message of #[8 2] the following can:
>> PBTestMessage materializeFrom: #[8 2] readStream
>> decode and set the color field. Proper handling of mandatory and repeated 
>> fields are missing and decoding the other values, nested messages... :)
>> Looking forward to have some eyes on the code.
>> holger
>> [1] A simple IDL to define structs/enums with marshaller/materializer for a 
>> binary protocol, JSON (and yaml).
>> [2] Without having to write a XML/JSON schema and getting validation from 
>> the IDL.
>> [3] Many of us log structured to text, then have something like logstash to 
>> re-parse, regexp it and dump it into ElasticSearch. With protobuf we can 
>> have plain objects end to end for logging.
>> [4] We have FUEL so this is less interesting for us than others but quite 
>> interesting if you are mixing Pharo with other implementation languages.

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