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Hi, In case someone can use it: I used Peters git migration tool for ...
... and put it to:

I don't know if this is the right place or if you would rather have it under ...
... or somewhere else.

------------- here the question:
I started trying to do the same migration process for ...
... but I failed on errors loading older mcz files:

"instance of ByteString did not understand #peek"
on: MCMczReader >> contentsForMember:
(ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding)

Is this wrong encoding or corrupted files ?
How to treat these files ? -> Is just ignoring this majority of failing mcz files via migration ignoredFileNames: #()
ok ?

As a workaround I then left the history versions behind and took only the newest mcz files. But I am not sure which package version "is in harmony" with the other ones...  ;-) -> While trying out which versions of the ConfigurationOfPier3 load in a p7 image only the #stable one loaded without problems. The newer ones didn't.

I did this by first loading as much pier3 dependencies (seaside, magritte, ...) from the new github repos. So I can then say ...
onConflict: [ :e | e useLoaded ];
... when loading pier3 from smaltalkhub.

Can someone who knows pier3 better than me, give me a hint on which package versions combinations are the ones to go with ? -> Is to just start with the newest mcz files the way to go? Or should I use the #stable ConfigurationOfPier3 ?


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