
        this morning i started with an image of about 240 MB.

        I have 3 System Browser open ( for a long time ).

        I close all the System Browser and save the image.

        The image size after the save is about 131 MB.

        The new         SpaceTally printSpaceAnalysis           report:

        Class             code space            # instances             inst 
space     percent           inst average size
        Array                   4115                            561766          
37353480       25.60               66.49
        ByteString          2942                                249761          
31313136       21.50              125.37

        The Transcript entry reference basically does not change:

                ByteString allInstances select:[ :i |  i includesSubstring: 

                        where 'NETWORK' is a string used in the methods to add 
Transcript entry          Transcript show: ...... NETWORK' ......' .

                The system found         2958    ByteString instances....    ( 
relative to the NETWORK  ) 

                The system found        22655   ByteString instances....    ( 
relative to the CASH  ) 

        Why are there many references in the system to the ByteString 
instances,         created in the methods to report the data in Transcript ?

        Someone to considerations ?



> Ciao,
>       I thought that using Transcript as a report to analyze the operation of 
> the code was a good thing - solution.
>       Unfortunately, however, the size of the image continues to increase  ( 
> and I think it's due to the use of the transcript )
>               and i can not find the solution to avoid the problem.
>       I could create a file to report everything about the operations code, 
> but then it becomes difficult to manage, or am i wrong?
>       Other solutions - indications - references ?
>       Thanks,
>               Dario
>> Ciao,
>>      thanks.
>>      i have a Pharo 7.0  alpha build 1262.
>>      I development a Seaside application.
>>> May be you have a lot of still open Seaside session, which if I remember
>>> correctly are automatically shutdown after 10 min when not active.
>>> Looking at Seaside session instances may give clue.
>>      OK, i clear the seaside session with the relative seaside status        
>>  Clear  action.
>>      But the image size keeps increasing, without an apparent reason.
>>      The consideration that I can do and that in the method code i often use 
>> Transcript show: '.....NETWORK | CASH | .....' to check the correct 
>> functioning.
>>      With the                SpaceTally printSpaceAnalysis   i note:
>>      as of February  16th:
>>              Class                        code space         # in    stances 
>>                  inst space     percent         inst average size
>>               Array                          4115                            
>> 656764          43904528       23.30                     66.85
>>               ByteString                     2942                            
>> 233871           27527272      14.60                    117.70 
>>      as of March 4th
>>              Class                          code space        # instances    
>>           inst space     percent        inst average size
>>               Array                          4115                    837017  
>>          50564552       23.40                    60.41
>>               ByteString                     2942                            
>>  266620          31933216      14.80                     119.77
>>      Now i do:
>>                      ByteString allInstances select:[ :i |  i 
>> includesSubstring: 'NETWORK' ] 
>>              where 'NETWORK' is a string used in the Transcript show: ...... 
>> NETWORK' ......'  report entry.
>>              The system found 3214 ByteString instances....    ( relative to 
>> the NETWORK  ) 
>>                      The system found 22650 ByteString instances....    ( 
>> relative to the CASH  ) 
>>                      The system found ..............
>>              Because ?????
>>                      Does the system remember something about the string 
>> create for the Transcript show:   entry ?
>>                      I need to reset something?
>>                      How can I analyze the situation?
>>                      I follow some aByteString entry   with the       
>> pointersTo  method
>>                               but for now I have not found the solution.
>>              Thanks,
>>                      Dario

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