Sven Van Caekenberghe <> writes:

> FUEL is a binary serialiser, in the new Pharo 7 stream approach, a
> stream is either binary or textual, not both, nor can they be switched
> on the fly.

OK, thanks for confirming my suspicion that there was a change in Pharo.

> FileLocator temp / 'test.fuel' binaryWriteStreamDo: [ :out | FLSerializer 
> newDefault serialize: { 'Foo'. #bar. Float pi. 42 } on: out ].

So what I have been using is correct.

Tim Mackinnon <> writes:

> Hmmm - yesterday I had someone serialise their debug stack (the top
> right menu bar action) to a file and send it to me and it worked treat
> - so I wonder what the difference is?

The problem I have occurs in buffering code. I suspect that it happens
as a function of the size distribution of the objects that are

The problem is best analyzed by looking at the implementors of
#nextBytesPutAll:. That's an extension method that Fuel puts on the
Stream hierarchy, including its own class FLBufferedWriteStream where
the method contains the lines

     collection size > (self buffer size / 2)
        ifTrue: [ stream nextBytesPutAll: collection ]
        ifFalse: [ self nextBytesPutAll: collection ] 

In the second line, it sends nextBytesPutAll: to the unbuffered
stream. Which should be fine if it inherits from Stream. But
ZnBufferedWriteStream does not inherit from Stream.

I tried unraveling the construction of ZnBufferedWriteStream, to use
directly its underlying stream:

    | ref stream |
    ref := FileLocator temp / 'test.fuel'.
    stream := ref fileSystem binaryWriteStreamOn: ref path.
    [ FLSerializer newDefault serialize: { 'Foo'. #bar. Float pi. 42 }
         on: stream ]
    ensure: [ stream close ]

On a standard file, that yields a BinaryFileStream, and everything works
fine. But for my test cases I use a MemoryFileSystem, and then I get
the same problem again - MemoryFileWriteStream does not inherit from
Stream either.

I wonder what's wrong with the Stream class - why are there stream-type
classes that don't inherit from it?


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