I understand #basicAt:[put:] being in Object, but I never understood
#at:[put:] being there.
GNU Smalltalk:
st> nil at: 1
Object: nil error: Invalid value nil: object not indexable
In my Smalltalk, you get a DNU.
In Squeak you get a debugger window with title
Error: instances of UndefinedObject are not indexable
The same for Boolean, Character, and Integer,
except Squeak where (20 factorial at: 1) answers 0 (oh dear oh dear oh
In VW you get a "Subscript out of bounds" error, which is disappointing,
as do true and $a, but a LargePositiveinteger gets #shouldNotImplement.

On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 15:28, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:

> If you forget to initialise a variable which you thought was a Dictionary
> - you get a confusing error message: "Error: only integers should be used
> as indices” if you try an at:put:
> This is a consequence of having at:put: defined on Object (which is a bit
> nasty)
> Should UndefinedObject at least override this and signal something a bit
> more obvious? This is a common and easily done thing and we don't support
> it very well.
> I just did it in some code, and was scratching my head initially until I
> read the stack properly and realised it was something much simpler than I
> thought I had done.
> Any thoughts on this?

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