I am on the latest macOS, my 64-bit 7.0.2 image with lots of code 
(Bootstrap/Seaside/...) is running fine. I did not fiddle with the fonts, just 
switched to Dark look.

I avoid loading any packages that use native code, unless it is very well 
proven and/or part of the standard image (IceBerg for example).

I have none of the issues you describe.

> On 16 Mar 2019, at 00:04, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Moving this to a new thread - to avoid historic confusion as I’m seeing a 
> much clearer pattern now.
> In 7.0.1 (osx - high Sierra - launcher), I was seeing the odd font glitch 
> (where characters suddenly start glyphing in code and menus - see photos) and 
> it seemed to be fixable by saving your image the first time (e.g. after 30+ 
> mins you would see this in a new install). Once the image was saved, this 
> seemed to stick and never be a problem.
> In 7.0.2 this is now happening to me very 10-60 mins. The save fix still 
> works - the moment you save the glyphs will all just disappear until it 
> happens again.
> Is anyone else getting this so easily in 7.0.2 (are others using 7.0.2). Has 
> something changed in 7.0.2 that would cause this (the change list was quite 
> small - however its noted the welcome screen is broken in this build too , so 
> maybe that is related)?
> My image is actually pretty small - just load Exercism , which relies on 
> OSProcess, now Mocketry (with StateSpecs and Ghost) and in this occurrence I 
> have also loaded Mirage (the lack of a decent keyboard window switcher was 
> getting me down and mirage seems to nail that MRU style behaviour to switch 
> between a test window and code window).
> It could be one of these things is the culprit (potentially mirage - as that 
> is the newest edition, so I will create a new image and leave it out) - but 
> wondering if others are seeing this? Or possibly I’ve found the right 
> combination that reliably triggers this annoying issue.
> Tim
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