
I'll write most of my comments inline.

Yesterday I moved my code to https://github.com/svenvc/NeoDNS using Tonel 
format, to make it a bit easier to consume. I also did a couple of minor 
updates while going over the functionality. Note the 'my code' is in the 
package Net-Protocols-DNS-Experimental, which is using the object model in 
'Net-Protocols-DNS-MessageFormat' (that already existed before, I just 
ported/cleaned it a little bit to my taste).

Are you coming to the Pharo Days ? We could talk there.

(More below)

> On 28 Mar 2019, at 09:29, Holger Freyther <hol...@freyther.de> wrote:
>> On 28. Mar 2019, at 08:02, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>> Hi Holger & Norbert,
> great. Regardless of how many versions exist. We should get one into the 
> image with proper platform integration.  
> I wasn't aware of your code but I assumed it is something you could write, 
> hence the Paleo prefix. Now that the Paleo code is the Neo one is more 
> funny...

Yeah, naming is always fun, isn't it ?

>> NeoSimplifiedDNSClient default addressForName: 'pharo.org'. ""
>> One of my goals was to use it as a more reliable, non-blocking 'do we have 
>> internet access' test:
>> NeoNetworkState default hasInternetConnection. "true"
> What is internet access and how would this be used? Is this about captive 
> portals? With local network policy the big anycast services might be blocked 
> but the user can still reach services. Or with deployed microservices they 
> might reach other but not the outside?

For years there is this issue in Pharo that if we build features that require 
internet access (say for example automatic loading of the Catalog when you 
start using Spotter, but there are many more places where this could add lots 
of value), that people say "don't do this, because it won't work when I have 
slow or no internet (like on a train)". 

The core cause of the problems is that the current NameResolver is totally 
blocking, especially in failure cases, which gives a terrible experience.

One way to fix this would be with the concept of NetworkState, a cheap, 
reliable, totally non-blocking way to test if the image has a working internet 
connection. Related is the option of 'Airplane Mode', so that you can manually 
say: "consider the internet unreachable".

The main scope was real internet access, not (possibly) limited internal 
network access. But that is a good point to think about.

> ... snip ...
>> The main problems are concurrent and asynchronous requests, as well as error 
>> handling.
>> I would be great if we could do this well in-image. (But getting OS DNS 
>> settings is hard too).
>> We should talk ;-)
> Agreed that getting the OS DNS settings is hard but not impossible (go seems 
> to get away with its implementation on unix). It seems we manage to honor 
> platform settings for http proxies and I am confident we can do it for DNS as 
> well.

I hacked a #getSystemDNS class method that goes via /etc/resolv.conf and it 
works (but of course not on Windows). In the 'initialise' protocol, there are 
#useCloudflareDNS, #useGoogleDNS, #useSystemDNS as well as #useMulticastDNS 

I would *very* much prefer not to depend on any obscure, hard to maintain VM 
code (FFI would just be acceptable).

> I planned to solve concurrency by creating one stub resolver per request and 
> having a shared cache. The internet can be a hostile place and DNS is an easy 
> victim. Cache poisoning does exist and random source port, 0x20 
> randomization, random transaction ids, disrespecting PTMU ICMP messages are 
> the few mitigations we have.

What I tried/implemented in NeoDNSClient (which inherits from the one-shot 
NeoSimplifiedDNSClient) is a requestQueue and a cache (respecting ttl), where 
clients put a request on the requestQueue and wait on a semaphore inside the 
request (respecting their call's timeout). A single process (that starts/stops 
as needed) handles the sending & receiving of the actual protocol, signalling 
the matching request's semaphore. (The #beThreadSafe option needs a bit more 
work though).

But yes, ultimately, things might be more complex. There is of course a problem 
in doing in-image DNS: it creates a (possibly) huge maintenance burden with a 
lot of responsibility. Now, since we already do socket streams, TLS/SSL and 
HTTP, the risk/challenge is probably acceptable.

In any case, any solution would first need to prove itself in lots of real 
world situations.

I actually added a #install class method to NeoDNSClient that hacks into the 
existing NetNameResolver and takes over responsibility for 
#addressForName:[timeout:] - for the whole image - of course this is still pure 

I am curious though, what was your initial motivation for starting PaleoDNS ? 
Which concrete issues did you encounter that you wanted to fix ?

> Let's definitely talk. I hang out in the pharo discord group. :)
> holger

I am only an occasional IM users, I more of an email guy.


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