This issue bit me in the ass before, but I forgot. Yes, I had a senior

The issue is this: When I tried to run Pharo under Ubuntu Server 18.04 at
OVH last year, it failed. I had to fall back to Ubuntu Server 16.04.

This week, I tried to run Pharo under Ubuntu Server 18.04 at Google Cloud
Platform and it failed. Again, I had to fall back to Ubuntu Server 16.04.

Why does this issue keep biting me in the ass??? Because I'm 65 and my brain
is dying.

The bigger issue is this: Hosting services like Digital Ocean, OVH, and
Google Cloud Platform are becoming increasingly important in the enterprise
space. If Pharo can't run on these server operating systems, it's going to
be a black eye for the language. We can get away with not supporting this
for now, but it will eventually catch up with us.

At Google Cloud Platform, for example, the user can choose from this list of
hosts: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch), CentOS 6, CentOS 7, various versions of
CoreOS, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Minimal, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Minimal, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Minimal, Ubuntu 18.10 Minimal, various versions of Red Hat, various versions
of SUSE, various versions of Window, and so on. It's a long list. *I
strongly suspect that many of these are unusable with Pharo.*

How to address this? I don't know. But if it's not a major problem now, it
will be. It's bitten me in the ass twice, and I can't be alone.

I'm giving a fair warning to everyone. Don't lash back at me – I'm just the
canary in the coal mine.

Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Come on, let’s try not to be dismissive , we’ve all had that annoying
> moment where something doesn’t work.
> Richard, was this installed with zero conf or Launcher, and as mentioned -
> a Linux distro is going to be helpful.
> I’m assuming it worked before at some point for you right? But was that v6
> and now you’re trying v7?
> Tim
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 31 Mar 2019, at 23:46, john pfersich <

> jpfersich@

> > wrote:
>> What Linux (distro and version) and which version of Pharo. You couldn’t
>> supply less information if you tried. 
>> /*—————————————————-*/
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> See and
>>> On Mar 31, 2019, at 14:21, Richard Kenneth Eng <

> horrido.hobbies@

> > wrote:
>>> I just installed Pharo under Linux and when I start it up, I get:
>>> Error: External module not found
>>> It doesn't matter how I install Pharo.

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