Am 08.04.19 um 14:39 schrieb Richard O'Keefe:

    > It's easy enough to add your own methods like
    > on: exn1 do: act1 on: exn2 do: act2
    >     "An imperfect emulation of VAST's #when:do:when:do:"
    >     ^[self on: exn1 do: act1] on: exn2 do: act2
    > on: exn1 do: act1 on: exn2 do: act2 on: exn3 do: act3
    >     "An imperfect emulation of VAST's #when:do:when:do:when:do:"
    >     ^[[self on: exn1 do: act1] on: exn2 do: act2] on: exn3 do: act3
    > to BlockClosure.  It won't be fast, but your code might be
    > clearer.

well, an unwanted side effect might be that the handling of exn1 is also guarded by the outer on:do: .

Not that this has to be a problem but it introduces new things to think about when you want to #resignalAs: and such.

Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel
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