One of the things mentioned at PharoDays, which actually could have been a 
boring talk but in fact caught my attention due to being well researched and 
presented - was the question of commenting in Pharo (thanks presenters).

However, the question of class comments and how many classes actually follow 
the suggested template was an interesting point. Having earlier heard feenk 
talk about making documentation fun and usable, it struck me that the current 
template and even basic tooling are a million miles from this - and in fact run 
the risk of promoting redundancy and drudgery…. Sharp claims, but hey we keep 
striving for better in Pharo.

I like the CRC parallel, but I think its the “public api” and even the 
"internal representation" bits that annoy me. Surely the public api is what our 
categories are for? So repeating that is bad (just indicating the category that 
is the api would be better - and potentially inlining it automatically in the 
comment would be more useful - this does raise the problem that methods can 
only be in 1 category, and maybe this is what this template is trying to cover 
up? Equally, the internal representation should not just be to describe 
instance variables (we could just give them better names, and possibly double 
up on the class builder idea where adding a variable could also let you explain 
right there what its for) but more about the bigger picture - why a dictionary 
ivar vs a collection.

If its a while before we get to full GT, can’t we tart up the class comment 
pane and make it a bit more interactive (like a form) and able to inline docs 
(or show generated info) so its not retyped?

I’m sure there are some simple tricks we could do to improve the situation 
immensely to address the premise of the talk?


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