> On 19 Apr 2019, at 19:55, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 19 Apr 2019, at 19:17, TedVanGaalen <ted...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:ted...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> "Because there is still an important place for desktop applications market
>> and most medium-size 
>> to big business still require them."
>> Really? Most things run on browsers these days.
> I say same: Really?
> How many web applications do you use regularly?
> Because I see my own desktop, I use a lot of applications and none of them is 
> a desktop application: 
None of the is a *web* application ;)

> - the apps I use to program: desktop.
> - the apps I use to communicate: desktop (and yes, there is gmail but I use 
> mail, and there is discord web, but the desktop app is better… and all the 
> others I use).
> - the apps I use to write: desktop.
> - the apps to play: desktop.
> - the apps I use to play: desktop.
> If I check… the only web application I use is my home banking app. And that, 
> when I go through my laptop, because if I use my phone I have an app who is a 
> native app (so is assimilable to “desktop”).
> You may say “but you are you and that’s not the generality”. Well, maybe, 
> but: 
> - I check my girlfriend’s computer (she is a sociology professor… nothing to 
> do with software): she uses Ulysses to write (a desktop app), pages and 
> office (desktop, forget about 365 or others). Here other tools: chat, 
> discord, mail. Always desktop. 
> - I talk with my brother in law (he works at facebook, but in the “control” 
> part): they use a desktop app.
> - I go to a restaurant: they use a desktop app.
> - I talk with a friend of mine who owns a real state business: desktop apps 
> to manage them.
> For area: 
> - programming tools: web IDEs are at least for now just a toy. 
> - productivity tools: all in desktop (web versions do not match them)
> - graphical tools: desktop.
> - games: desktop.
> (And I can continue)
> Really, people: how many web applications have *for real* replaced the 
> desktop apps?
> They have enlarge the possibilities: yes.
> They are useful in certain scenarios: yes.
> They are preferred for big business: (seems to) yes.
> But that is just a small part of that.
> All the rest is desktop. 
> Do not fool yourself.
> 15 years ago people were already talking about the web-apps revolution. 
> And we are still talking about. 
> It may or may not happen, but we are still far from it.
>> Why would I need a GTK layer? 
>> (btw, GTK is yet another dependency on a 3rd party package)
> Breaking news: if you don’t want it, you don’t use it.
> (But even then, you are already relying in 3rd party packages)
>> In my opinion 
>>   the most versatile and advanced user application 
>>   interface is: 
>>   almost any internet browser!
> Already answered. I find that sentence at least an exaggeration (and a 
> misread of reality).
>> Through all these many years, internet browsers have evolved into
>> excellent GUIs with endless possibilities for style (css)
>> formatting, fonts, colors, buttons etc. Extremely flexible. you can even
>> include
>> all sorts of plugins, Also you can use image morphs for graphs etc. 
>> What runs in a browser is computer independent, you'd cover many devices
>> (phones, pads, pc, macs, tv, etc) in one go.
>> In many cases, you don't even have to manage layout, browser does it for
>> you.
>> What more to wish for?
>> I could ask then, why implement similar GUI stuff, writing tons of
>> classes that interact with GTK, when internet browsers offer 
>> already a myriad of far more advanced features? 
>> Why re-invent the wheel?
> And I could ask you: Why nobody has done it as reliable as a desktop app?
> But hey! Nothing forbids us to do a web based spec backend. Is just the 
> decision of someone to implement it.
>> The combination Pharo with Seaside (or equivalent) is very powerful. 
>> Sure, there might be some situations where using a browser as
>> user interface is not desired or adequate, but currently I can't think of
>> one.
> Matter of opinions. I can’t think on a situation when I would prefer a web 
> app over a desktop app.
>> So Imho best thing to do is:
>> ***Always make any user app as a web app!***
>> Which of course you can run "stand alone" with Pharo/Seaside as server
>> e.g. localhost:8080/yourApp
> The moment you say “always” you are already taking a fanatic decision that 
> reality can prove it wrong. 
> There is no silver bullet: 
> - I do not think everything has to be desktop
> - Nor I think the solution for everything is web
> By implementing the Spec 2 backend what we are doing is putting Pharo in a 
> position of switching backends if we decide it. 
> By implementing the Gtk3 backend we are empowering the vast majority of Pharo 
> users by giving to them a way to do something they couldn’t before (and yes, 
> there is already people using it to develop their business).
>> If one day a user would like to use their app via the internet, 
>> then no changes are needed because the app was already 
>> initially made for an internet browser as GUI, so it will run anywhere. 
> Yeah, well. 
> Until you have a functionality implemented that is not supported in your 
> browser (and then you need to update/change browsers). 
> And then tell me: who is relying in a 3rd party software?
>> To make apps that way the Pharo IDE as it is now stand alone is a pleasure.
>> I am currently restarting my app dev with Pharo/Seaside.
>> The image is a start of the dental app I am making, far from complete, but
>> I am sure you'll get the general idea. 
> I get it. 
> I just think you are not taking into account the problem others may have but 
> your own needs here.
> - we want YOU to succeed on making a web application (and that means probably 
> seaside+pharo in someway)
> - but we also want to give you the best tools to develop… in Pharo. And Pharo 
> is a desktop application and it will continue like that for many time. Then 
> we invest in Spec2: to make the best UI layer we can provide. As aligned with 
> state of the art desktop developments as we can.
> Esteban
>> Regards
>> Ted
>> <http://forum.world.st/file/t230630/Screen_Shot_2019-04-19_at_18.png 
>> <http://forum.world.st/file/t230630/Screen_Shot_2019-04-19_at_18.png>> 
>> --
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