Hi Pierce - not sure I understand what you are trying to do - I tend to run all 
tests in a package which it cmd-t in calypso, but I sometimes need to run lots 
of disjoint tests, so I created a fake test and overrode the suite method eg:

TestCase subclass: #AllExercismTests
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        package: ‘ExercismSystemTests'

        ^ self allExercismTests
                inject: TestSuite new
                into: [ :suite :test | suite addTest: test 
buildSuiteFromSelectors ]

To get the tests I use this helper method - but do whatever you need if its not 
package based (thinking to myself, I could modify this to get my tests from the 

allExercismTestsFor: packagesNameList
        "gather all the TestCases in the Execercsim package"

        ^ packagesNameList
                inject: Set new
                into: [ :finalResult :pkgName | 
                        (RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: pkgName) 
                                inject: finalResult
                                into: [ :result :pkg | 
                                                addAll: (pkg classes select: [ 
:c | c isTestCase ]);
                                                yourself ] ]

And then have a fake test so you can click the green orb:

        "Create a suite to eaily run all the tests - this is a stub that gives 
a browser button 
        to easily click on to run all the composite tests"

> On 23 May 2019, at 11:16, Pierce Ng <pie...@samadhiweb.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a testing class that is sub-subclass of TestCase, i.e., the class
> hierarchy looks like this:
>  TestCase
>    ExistingTestingClass
>      MyNewTestingClass
> How do I get TestRunner to run MyNewTestingClass's tests, as well as
> ExistingTestingClass's tests in the context of MyNewTestingClass?
> Pierce

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