
I'm developing a web application using (amongst others) WebSockets. To
prevent test methods from becoming too big and slow I created a TestCase
with a TestResource containing my web application instance. After the first
test method is run, the WebSocket is closed unexpectedly and automagically.
It turns out that all forked processes are terminated when a TestCase has
executed a test method. What would be the proper way to prevent these forked
processes from terminating after a single test method? Or am I missing
something/doing something wrong?

TestExecutionEnvironment>>#checkForkedProcesses is responsible for
terminating any (non failed) processes. It is executed after
TestExecutionEnvironment>>#runTestCaseSafelly: [sic: this should be
#runTestCaseSafely:]. A possible solution might be to check whether the
Context in which a forked process was created has the #setUp method of a
TestResource of the TestCase (you still with me ;-) in its Context chain. If
that is the case, the process is probably forked for a reason. This forked
process does have to be terminated when all TestCases have finished of
course (when the TestResource does #tearDown).

IFF the forked processes should be kept alive during the execution of all
TestCase methods, does the suggested solution above seem logical or are
there any (better) alternatives?


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