Hi Rafael,

Assuming you have your OpenCV camera frame object named image in BGR format
(default for OpenCV)
Here is how you can render it at high fps in Bloc (override *BlElement>>#*
drawOnSpartaCanvas: aCanvas in a subclass)

surface := aSpartaCanvas bitmap

fromBGR: image imageData

extent: image width @ image height
stride: image widthStep.

aSpartaCanvas fill

paint: surface;
path: surface bounds;


On Wed, 12 Jun 2019 at 22:39, Rafael Luque <rafael.luque.le...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I'm experimenting with an integration between OpenCV and Pharo based on
> uFFI. My native C library opens a video camera and captures frames for
> detecting certain points (aka blobs) of interest for my use case. The data
> for these frames are available to Pharo as uchar* inside a C struct.
> My issues came when I tried to render the video camera frames inside
> Pharo. The C examples I developed for testing the shared library show
> frames around 50-60 fps. However, the best I have got in Pharo is around
> 15-20 fps.
> My first try consisted of writing an specific ImageReadWriter for the
> OpenCV image format, so I can build a Form for each frame and render it
> with Morphic. This way I can render the video camera in GTInspector, but at
> a terrible 5-10 fps.
> The second try was to use Bloc to render the Forms. I though the Moz2D
> backend will provider better performance. Indeed, I got around 15-20 fps,
> but it is still insufficient for playing video smoothly.
> My current try consist of using BlExternalForm to avoid all the frame data
> processing inside Pharo, but I'm finding problems to render this kind of
> "shallow" Forms using Bloc.
> I've also find some old mails (2017) about Clément Bera working in games
> based on Cairo + SDL. Should I explore this approach for video rendering?
> In summary, I don't know what is the recommended approach (if any) to show
> a sequence of video frames with decent bit-rate.
> Thank you!

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